Once upon a time in Austin Texas, Ray Kroc, the Founder of McDonalds was hanging out drinking a few beers, with the MBA Class, whom which he earlier the same day had been speaking. He asked the students a fairly simple question in which no one answered so he had to ask again: “What business am I in?” 

A student gave the obvious answer, which wasn’t the right one! Hear the right one, and how that can change the game of your business in this blog post!

So what did they answer?
After some goofing around one of students replied: “Everybody knows you are in the hamburger business!” And Ray responded: “That’s what I thought you would say, but I’m not in the hamburger business. Ladies and gentlemen, my business is real estate!”

What business are you in?
Rays insight in his own business is pretty logical, plain simple, when we hear it. Nevertheless I have entered many, many companies and asked a similar question: ”What business are you in?” and in 95% of the cases people start talking about the “burgers”, the product! But no business is in the business of its product – and that is a key point in the struggle of standing out and creating a significant breakthrough!

The most important factor!
What McDonald’s master better than most others – is easy! Being the costumer is easy. Understanding the concept is easy. Taking a food decision is easy…. And FINDING a McDonald’s is easy. McDonald’s basically “wrapped easy” to its costumers! And this is why Ray said his business is real estate! Of cause there is also some technicalities in the real estate mind-set, but the right street corner is only the right one be cause it fits the costumers, and that’s why McDonald could sell anything other than burgers there also – the product is basically not the most important factor.

Is easy for every one?
It’s also easy being an employee at McDonald’s. The concept is clear! The expectations are clear! The training is clear! McDonald’s really wrapped easy! But easy is not for every one?

What are you wrapping?
But one thing is what McDonald’s is wrapping – the interesting question is: What are you wrapping? Do you get your business? And do as many as possible costumers get it? I have said this before, but no matter how successful or not you and your business are today, the basic principle of business is to generate more….. more success!

All this is why the breakthrough.now principle for mind-sets are so powerful – the 180 degree principle. The principle that helps us to GET what business we are in, and how to wrap it so costumers desires it! Do you want to learn that, and share it with the world? To wrap easy, hope and meaningfulness into own products and services?

Breakthrough.now provoke you and push you to get it – if you dare!? You can reach me on +45 25697772!

Thank you – Please share J
I want to thank you fore reading my blog – you are very important to me. I mean – who am I if no one is listening? Thank you!

Del indlægget:
Christian Campbell

Christian Campbell

Grundlægger & Business Provocateur

Christian Campbell er en dansk-britisk psykoterapeut, forfatter og iværksætter. Han er kendt som Business Provocateur og hjælper virksomheder over hele verden med at opnå ekstraordinære resultater. Christian er forfatter til "Business Unusual" og er en førende autoritet inden for virksomhedstransformation. Hans unikke blanding af psykoterapeutisk ekspertise og forretningserfaring fra den virkelige verden gør ham til en efterspurgt rådgiver og tankeleder.

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Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev

Vær på forkant med udviklingen med vores nyhedsbrev, som udkommer 5-6 gange om året! Hver udgave er spækket med hurtige indsigter og tankevækkende ideer, der er designet til at inspirere dig til at tænke ud af boksen. 

Uanset om du søger nye perspektiver på aktuelle forretningstendenser eller blot er på udkig efter en gnist af kreativitet, tilbyder vores nyhedsbrev værdifuldt indhold, der sætter gang i innovationen og giver brændstof til din professionelle rejse.

Bliv en del af vores fællesskab af fremsynede tænkere, og gå aldrig glip af en mulighed for at løfte din tænkning. Tilmeld dig i dag, og begynd at modtage din dosis inspiration direkte i din indbakke!