Rituals are one of the strongest powers when it comes to influencing the human mind! That’s why it always seems logical to make such things as new-years resolutions and Monday diets: a new year, a new week and so on – new is calling to change on a deeper level of the psyche.
But why?
Why it so often is not working as intended is because of a simple but powerful factor: Rituals are efficient over time, not performed one time!
Inspiring future
May 2015 become the year where you will build even stronger rituals, which will provide you with everything you desire – and then turn it around, and share what you have, with as many people as possible.
Thank you so much for the hours you shared with me in 2014 – by reading this e-zine. I truly appreciate you investing time in my words! I hope to spend more time with you in 2015, and I will do my best to collect even more powerful knowledge, and share it with you!
Christian Campbell
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