Change occurs by automatics! Change is a fundamental law of life and everything in life! Change is unavoidably! Change will be here weather you do something active to change, or you sit in apathy on your couch at home. Be smart – forget about change!

Translate changes
What you (if having influence on the future interests you) have to focus on is being smart. And what does it mean being smart? Being smart is growing and refining your toolbox of skills that can catch and translate changes into something understandable. Change scares people, on average the person or the business who truly cares about this will win – guarantied!

Accessible and meaningful
This specific point is why I the last 10 years have shared the, with as many people as possible. To breakthrough is not just wrapping changes into something fancier or more sellable – no; a breakthrough means picking up changes and translating them into something physical, accessible and meaningful.

Your core relevance
Change basically just means that life is different today from yesterday! And different itself has absolutely no value to people in general, weather they occur as friends, customers, spouses or employees. A breakthrough on the other hand is the point where something becomes relevant, valuable and present. So if you chose smart, you need to unpack your own skills and your business core relevance, in the eyes of your present and potential costumers.

As many as possible
You are the one who need to get confused, insecure and in doubt. Not just for the sake of you feeling wrong! No! The reason and the point is simple – if you want to be smart; do the work! Figure it out! Endure the confusion! And then sell what you find to as many people as possible!

That’s smart!

You get access
So how are you doing what you preach Christian Campbell? You may fairly ask! My answer is clear: I got obsessed with the breakthrough process 20 years ago! I have spent ALL my time since to boil the process down to something understandable! I know it works! And now I sell it to you – I offer you access!

I push you! I provoke you! I challenge you! Why? Because I trust you to be worthwhile: to draw all you can become out of you, to extract the full core value out of your business and translate that into something your customers desire to buy. The key is to get into the minds of your receivers, your customers – basically people you wish to touch. The offers and provides to you all the things you can do NOW!

Lets look to Nike: Just do it! I would say: Just do it NOW!

What now?
Next week you get access to a video, where I give you 14 minutes of insights on how to be this kind of pioneer!

My e-zine and blog is meant for sharing. So if you feel you got value out of this, please offer people you think deserves the same value to subscribe to the e-zine: CLICK HERE

Del indlægget:
Christian Campbell

Christian Campbell

Grundlægger & Business Provocateur

Christian Campbell er en dansk-britisk psykoterapeut, forfatter og iværksætter. Han er kendt som Business Provocateur og hjælper virksomheder over hele verden med at opnå ekstraordinære resultater. Christian er forfatter til "Business Unusual" og er en førende autoritet inden for virksomhedstransformation. Hans unikke blanding af psykoterapeutisk ekspertise og forretningserfaring fra den virkelige verden gør ham til en efterspurgt rådgiver og tankeleder.

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Vær på forkant med udviklingen med vores nyhedsbrev, som udkommer 5-6 gange om året! Hver udgave er spækket med hurtige indsigter og tankevækkende ideer, der er designet til at inspirere dig til at tænke ud af boksen. 

Uanset om du søger nye perspektiver på aktuelle forretningstendenser eller blot er på udkig efter en gnist af kreativitet, tilbyder vores nyhedsbrev værdifuldt indhold, der sætter gang i innovationen og giver brændstof til din professionelle rejse.

Bliv en del af vores fællesskab af fremsynede tænkere, og gå aldrig glip af en mulighed for at løfte din tænkning. Tilmeld dig i dag, og begynd at modtage din dosis inspiration direkte i din indbakke!

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Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev

Vær på forkant med udviklingen med vores nyhedsbrev, som udkommer 5-6 gange om året! Hver udgave er spækket med hurtige indsigter og tankevækkende ideer, der er designet til at inspirere dig til at tænke ud af boksen. 

Uanset om du søger nye perspektiver på aktuelle forretningstendenser eller blot er på udkig efter en gnist af kreativitet, tilbyder vores nyhedsbrev værdifuldt indhold, der sætter gang i innovationen og giver brændstof til din professionelle rejse.

Bliv en del af vores fællesskab af fremsynede tænkere, og gå aldrig glip af en mulighed for at løfte din tænkning. Tilmeld dig i dag, og begynd at modtage din dosis inspiration direkte i din indbakke!